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  • Amazonite


    Amazonite is a variety of green microcline feldspar and was named after the Amazon River in Brazil but, ironically, the stone cannot be found there. It may be so named due to its resemblance in color to the green of the tropical rainforest though some believe amazonite was found along the Amazon long ago.



    Chemical FormulaKAlSi3O8Mineral ClassMicrocline (feldspar)
    ColorVarious shades of green and white
    Crystal SystemTriclinicHardness6-6.5
    TransparencyTranslucent to opaqueLusterVitreous
    Refractory Index1.522 - 1.530Double Refraction-0.008


    It is said that the legendary Amazons used amazonite to adorn their shields and that they would gift the stone to men who came to visit. Ancient Egyptians believed amazonite stones were a symbol of fertility and good luck, carving the stones into amulets that would strengthen the owner’s reproductive ability.

    Amazonite is believed by some to balance masculine and feminine energy, strengthen physical power, and increase stamina. In addition, amazonite is believed to stimulate artistic ability, creativity, compassion, and the ability to think rationally.


    Amazonite is able to soothe all chakras, but when placed specifically on the heart or throat chakra it can enhance loving communication.

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