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  • Labradorite


    A feldspar mineral first identified in Labrador, Canada, labradorite has a lovely play of color often referred to as labradorescence. This phenomena occurs when light enters the stone, strikes a twinning surface within the stone, and reflects from it. Most labradorite only shows a range of blue colors, notable exceptions are “Oregon Sunstone” and “andesine” which, diffused with copper, are reddish in color.



    Chemical Formula(Na,Ca)1-2Si3-2O8Mineral ClassFeldspar, Labradorite (Anorthite)
    ColorBlue, Red, Green, Yellow, Brown, Purple, Gray, Multicolored
    Crystal SystemTriclinicHardness6 - 6.5
    TransparencyTransparent to translucentLusterVitreous to pearly
    Refractory Index1.560 – 1.568Double Refraction.008


    Inuits from Canada once called labradorite a “fire stone” and used powdered labradorite as a cure for ailments. According to Inuit legend the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis fell to earth, became trapped in rock, and an Inuit warrior who saw this struck the rocks with his spear to free some of the lights.

    According to some ancient lore, labradorite was considered to be a talismanic gem of winter.

    In Oriental culture labradorite was known as a “phenomenal gem” to be worn on Saturdays. Exhibiting a moving line, star, or changes on the surface as the light is varied, phenomenal gems have been considered to bring good fortune to the wearer.

    Nowadays, some consider labradorite a very spiritual stone and can be particularly helpful for people who tend to overwork. It is believed that it can help energize and aid the body and spirit in healing itself.

    It is also believed that this gemstone creates a shield for auras and protects against negativity both in the world and within ourselves.

    Known for changing its colors, labradorite is also known as a stone of transformation and can enhance strength of will and inner worth.

    Some of those who believe in the spirit world also believe that labradorite’s energy allows one to penetrate the veils of the Void and is the place of potential and the source of creation, making it a protective ally for shamans, magicians, and Light workers.

    Not only considered a gateway to the spiritual world, some believe labradorescence of this gemstone has extra-terrestrial origins, enclosed in labradorite to bring the evolved energies for other worlds to the Earth plane. For this reason labradorite is sometimes referred to as the “temple of the stars”.

    As with many other crystals and gemstones, labradorite is believed to have healing qualities such as the following:

      (These beliefs are not presented as fact and should not be used in the place of a doctor’s medical advice.)

    **Beneficial to the lungs, labradorite assists with respiratory problems such as bronchitis and colds.**

    **Labradorite assists in digestion, regulation, and metabolism.**

    **Used for treating eyes and brain disorders, labradorite can stimulate mental acuity, reduce stress and anxiety.**

    **Labradorite also can be soothing during menstruation, easing PMS symptoms. This gemstone can also be used for pain relief.**

    **Labradorite is also believed to lower blood pressure, reduce sensitivity to cold, and relieve rheumatism and gout.**

    **A wonderful tool for returning joy and spontaneity to one’s life, labradorite calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination, bringing in new ideas. It also helps eliminate the emotional drain of daily routine and awakens a sense of adventure and change.**


    The predominate blue crystal energy that radiates from labradorite stimulates the Throat Chakra and, in essence, serves as a pressure valve that allows the energy from other chakras to be expressed.

    By opening the Throat Chakra labradorite facilitates the expression of thoughts and feelings allowing one to communicate ideas, beliefs, and emotions to the world.

    Labradorite promotes the flow of energy within the body and spirit allowing energy from the lower chakras to rise up enabling free expression and natural release.

    With its play-of-color labradorite can bring about the unification of all the chakras.

    Golden labradorite aids in opening the lower chakras during ritual or magical practices, while Spectrolite works with one’s “Rainbow Body” to enhance awareness of the higher realms.

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