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Aquamarine is the birthstone for March


Named for the Latin word aqua, meaning “water” and marina, meaning “of the sea”, aquamarine is the blue variety of the mineral beryl. Other varieties of beryl include morganite, emerald, goshenite, and heliodore. Aquamarine’s color is usually a light pastel greenish blue, sometimes heat treated to give it a more bluish cast. In fact the color of aquamarine can be very similar to topaz, a less valuable stone, making the two virtually indistinguishable. When purchasing aquamarine it is important to buy from a reputable dealer as fraudulent dealers may sell topaz as aquamarine.

Due to its association with the sea, the legends surrounding aquamarine also originate from there. The ancient Romans believed that aquamarine was sacred to Neptune, the god of the sea, having fallen from the jewel boxes of sirens and washed onto shore. Early sailors wore aquamarine talismans engraved with the likeness of Neptune as protection from the dangers at sea. Some legends say that aquamarine is the treasure of mermaids, with the power to keep sailors safe. Though its powers are strongest when associated with the sea, on land it is said that aquamarine has a soothing influence on married couples. It was also believed that aquamarine was most powerful when immersed in water. In ancient times the water in which aquamarine was submerged was used to heal a variety of illnesses of the heart, liver, stomach, mouth, and throat.

Birthstone Jewelry


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