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Emerald is the birthstone for May


The word “emerald” comes from smaragdos, ancient Greek for a green gem. Despite being naturally heavily included, emeralds have mesmerized us throughout the ages and were mined in Egypt as early as 330 B.C. From Egyptian pharaohs to Inca emperors, emeralds have enchanted royalty. Cleopatra was known to have a passion for emeralds and used them in her royal adornments. Today the color green is known to relieve stress and eye strain, something that Roman author Pliny the Elder, who died in the 79 CE eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, discovered millennia ago. He said that early lapidaries (cutters, polishers, or engravers of precious stones) “Have no better method of restoring their eyes than by looking at the emerald, its soft, green color comforting and removing their weariness and lassitude.”

Colombia has been the source of the finest emeralds for more than 500 years, and Colombian Emeralds are the standard by which all others are measured. Like aquamarine and morganite, emeralds are comprised of the mineral beryl and are considered the most valuable of the beryl gemstones. To increase clarity and enhance their beauty, natural emeralds are almost always treated with oil or resin. Though the availability of natural high-quality emeralds are limited, synthetic emeralds, produced in a lab but sharing virtually all chemical, optical, and physical characteristics of natural emeralds, are readily available. Though much less valuable, synthetic emeralds often outshine their natural counterparts in clarity and color.

Birthstone Jewelry


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